Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In limbo

Well 1316 Cabaret came and went...to nearly FOUR SOLD OUT HOUSES. Not to mention that we now have 112 season subscribers for the 2012-2013 season! What a great weekend it was for all. Next season's show line up will be announced here, on the website and on the Torrance Theatre Company Facebook page shortly for those of you who missed hearing about them at 1316 Cabaret.

After cleaning up and striking the 1316 space, we are ready to go full steam ahead with FIDDLER. Posters and flyers are being handed out and the word is being spread about the show like wild fire. YOU can help TTC get the word out by telling your friends about us!

Here is our Facebook event for Fiddler:

Tickets go on sale July 5th (TWO MORE DAYS) and are available through the Armstrong Box Office, (310) 781-7171. Stay tuned for rehearsal footage, cast photos, promos and more!

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