Thursday, August 2, 2012

ACTORS: Audition Notification!

TTC has announced auditions for the first show of the 2012-2013 season, "The Complete History of America (Abridged)," written by Adam Long, Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor and directed by Gia Jordahl.

The show will be presented in the TTC downtown venue; a charming 80-year-old building that has been converted into an intimate 48-seat theatre. The theatre is located at 1316 Cabrillo Ave in Torrance.

Rehearsals will generally be Monday-Thursday evenings beginning August 20th at 1316 Cabrillo.

Show runs September 28-Oct 27, Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday matinee, and one Thursday night performance on October 25th.

Who we are looking for...

THREE MEN, 18-? yrs. Must possess strong improvisational skills, and generally be able to make us laugh. Must be able to carry a tune... experience singing parts is a bonus. We are especially excited to see anyone who can play guitar, accordion, ukulele, or possibly the kazoo (If you play an instrument bring it). The roles call for mild impersonations, so if you have any of the following in your hip pocket, be ready to bring them out: George H. Bush, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, George Washington/Douglas McArthur, Lucille Ball, Al Capone, FDR, for starters

If you would like to audition, please send headshot and resume to (subject: America Abridged), we will send you the sides. You should also be prepared to cold read from the script, and possibly sing a little.

Click here for more information!

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